Monday, December 21, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

CA State Fair

Justin and Daniel - Male bonding...

The girlies! (ashley, belen and me)

So for some reason I decided to steal a keg... got about 10 feet away and decided it was heavy....

Ashley and me in front of some crazy snow creature!

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Daniel, Natalie and I went to the state fair with some friends and had a GREAT time! Thanks to Ashley, Justin, Belen and Josh (who I don't have a pic of!) for going out and having a great time with us!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Daniel's Birthday Weekend

Natalie loving being gone for the weekend!

Fitzpatrick Winery. View from our room

Natalie slept in a drawer! (for some of the night anyways!)

In the gold mine in Placerville

family pic on a hike

Natalie riding a quad. (okay it had no keys but still looks funny)

View from our room

Davies Family Inn in Placerville. A little piece of Paradise in the middle of nowhere!

7 months, 1 week updates...

STANDING!! (with help of couch)

and 5 teeth!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tooth #3 and BABYSITTER

Today was a big day for Natalie West. She got her 3rd tooth (top left) today. We went shopping at the mall and then.... she stayed home with her new baby sitter Faren while Daniel and I went on a date. Natalie was great for Faren, and now I feel relieved because we have a babysitter to watch Natalie in the fall when i return to school full time! =)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

2nd tooth

Natalie got her first tooth on 6/21/09, in was the bottom right tooth. Last night she just got her 2nd tooth, the upper right one! Before we know it she will be eating steak! =)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Eckerman Family Reunion

4 generations

Just hanging out with grandma


Silly Auntie Becks and Madeline

Grams and Becks

Grandma loving Natalie (Natalie's great grandma!)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Natalie's first 4th of July

This 4th of July was Natalie's first time being in the neighborhood parade. She was definitely a hit! After the parade we had a block party BBQ and lit off fireworks. Natalie liked the fireworks, but LOVED her glowstick!

Our Little Girl is 6 Months!

-It doesn’t feel like she is a little baby anymore, more like a little munchkin girl

- She is 26 inches and weighs 21 lbs, that is 100% weight and 61% height

- Started eating solid foods this month, LOVES sweet potatoes and veggies, but does not like fruit

-When she eats, she opens her mouth wide and waits for the food to get put in

-Natalie has started creeping, backwards only, hopefully she will crawl soon

-Natalie has 1 tooth, the bottom right, came on 6/21/09

- This girl loves to laugh; she will throw her head back and laugh hysterically

- Natalie likes to play games, she has a great sense of humor and plays peek a boo with us

-Still has crazy hair, but now wears it up in a pony tail – what a big girl!

-She has been sitting unsupported for a few months, but now she really can sit there and play with her toys

-Natalie was in her first ever 4th of July Parade and was a HIT

-She likes fireworks, but LOVES her glow stick

- Natalie started going to the gym on 6/23/09, and loves it

-She was baby sat by someone other than family for the first time on 7/5/09

-Natalie still sleeps through the night, but now without a swaddle

-She can pass toys back and forth between both hands

-She LOVES Shiloh; she will pet her and then get real serious and pull her in and try to eat her

-Her hair never fell out, but it changed from black to blonde

-Her eyes are still an unknown color, almost green, but almost blue

-She likes to be outside, and really likes to swing in the hammock

-We upgraded her to a big girl car seat because her infant car seat only went to 20lbs

-She out grew her swing, but now is great in her walker – she pushes backwards

-When she lays down she does sit-ups, but cannot get all the way into a sitting position

-Natalie still sucks her fingers

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Update! Natalie @ 20 Weeks!

She is now 20 weeks old, my big girl!

-She weighs 19lbs and is 24 inches long. That is over the 100% for weight and 65% for height

-Nata P is her nickname, started out when I would sing to her, "nataP nataP, mama loves her Natalie!"

-She is also "The P"

-She rolled over from her belly to her back for the very first time on May 7th

- She loves to be out and about, if I go a day without taking her out of the house it will be a bad day for everyone!

-Natalie is still sleeping through the night, her swaddle saved my life in the beginning but now I am trying to break that habit because she is so strong she gets her arms out and pulls it over her head

-We left her over night for the very first time on May 2nd, grammy came and watched her

-She LOVES to sit in the big high chair when we go to restaurants

-I think it is so cute when she falls asleep, face down in her walker

-She sucks on her pointer and middle finger.... or sometimes her thumb and middle finger

-She is wearing some 9 month but mostly 12 month cloes (yes at less than 5 months)

-her eye hand coordination is getting much better, she focuses so hard and she just practices bringing both of her hands together

-She loves to throw things, even biscuits for Shiloh

-She loves lights! Our latest adventure was when we took her to the light store during 2nd saturday, she was mesmerized!

-Some days she will ONLY let mommy or daddy hold her, but most of the time she loves people

-I think she likes guys better than girls, she adores her 2 Grandpas

-We tried to start her on baby food at 17 weeks, but she really did not like it. We are going to wait until 4 months.

-She has had this crazy rash on her arm for months, we found out it is ring worm.... my poor baby girl, it takes forever to go away

-Her hair mostly all lays down now, but is starting to fall out in her crib when she is sleeping

-I am curious to see what happens to her little semi flat head. She does tummy time a LOT and is always sitting up, never laying down during the day -- I think it is flat because she sleeps so long at night

-When she gets her shots at her Well Baby check-ups it breaks my heart, but she is a tough girl. Screams LOUD for only a few min and then is all smiles

-natalie has the biggest and most amazing smile

-she loves to laugh and will actually throw her head back and crack up

-fart sounds make her laugh

-She fights going to sleep at night because she never wants to miss the action

-Natalie has been teething since 2 months and the only thing to really comfort her is to put a towel around your finger and put it in her mouth -- she will much HARD on it

-Also, Hyland's teething tabs are great

-Her favorite song is: "Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow...." if I sing that to her it is the only song that will get her to calm down. We have spent HOURS singing that song to her

-Nata P is the best thing to ever come our way, she brightens my life and makes it complete.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Update! Natalie @ 11 Weeks

--Her hair is so long but likes to be straight up even though I brush it and blow dry it to the side (it stayed down one time and I was so excited but the next day was right back up)

--She has beautiful big blue eyes, I am just wondering if they will stay that way

-- She loves to suck on her whole hand and prefers it over a pacifier, but she cannot quite find her thumb

-- She has been sleeping though the night since about 7 weeks old, allowing Daniel and I the much needed sleep

-- Natalie eats SO MUCH FOOD! (6-7oz every 3 hours)

--Although she is not quite 3 months old she has upgraded to 3-6 month clothing.

--As of today she weighs 15 lbs 4 oz and is 23 inches long

--Natalie loves her swing, can stay in it for almost an hour and on trips she will even sleep in it.

-- She has a passion for artwork, if she is crying show her one of our paintings and she will stop (especially the fine Scandinavian art)

--Lights really excite her

--She loves to watch mommy or daddy work out on the elliptical

--Natalie loves to have her diaper changed and if you take the time to talk to her and LISTEN to her, she will talk back to you

--Bath time is one of the best times, she LOVE to be in the water

--People say she is a strong baby, and I really think so too. She Has been holding her head since the beginning and will hold her head and her shoulders up during tummy time (which she only last a few min before she gets so frustrated and her head slams down). She will also grab your hands, pull herself up and not let go.

--She is a spitting image of Daniel

--She smiles all the time and giggles a few times a day

--Natalie is the very best thing to happen to Daniel and I and she is the cutest little (big) baby ever!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day Weekend - Mendocino, CA

The 2 loves of my life!

Family picture!!

At the botanical gardens

Jo & Kevin (the best neighbors in the world) let us say at Frog's Leap for the weekend. It was so relaxing and beautiful, just what the Dr ordered after 1 1/2 months with a baby!

Showing some LOVE

Natalie was all dressed in her Valentine's Day outfit.... for 5 min, til she spit up!