Saturday, May 23, 2009

Update! Natalie @ 20 Weeks!

She is now 20 weeks old, my big girl!

-She weighs 19lbs and is 24 inches long. That is over the 100% for weight and 65% for height

-Nata P is her nickname, started out when I would sing to her, "nataP nataP, mama loves her Natalie!"

-She is also "The P"

-She rolled over from her belly to her back for the very first time on May 7th

- She loves to be out and about, if I go a day without taking her out of the house it will be a bad day for everyone!

-Natalie is still sleeping through the night, her swaddle saved my life in the beginning but now I am trying to break that habit because she is so strong she gets her arms out and pulls it over her head

-We left her over night for the very first time on May 2nd, grammy came and watched her

-She LOVES to sit in the big high chair when we go to restaurants

-I think it is so cute when she falls asleep, face down in her walker

-She sucks on her pointer and middle finger.... or sometimes her thumb and middle finger

-She is wearing some 9 month but mostly 12 month cloes (yes at less than 5 months)

-her eye hand coordination is getting much better, she focuses so hard and she just practices bringing both of her hands together

-She loves to throw things, even biscuits for Shiloh

-She loves lights! Our latest adventure was when we took her to the light store during 2nd saturday, she was mesmerized!

-Some days she will ONLY let mommy or daddy hold her, but most of the time she loves people

-I think she likes guys better than girls, she adores her 2 Grandpas

-We tried to start her on baby food at 17 weeks, but she really did not like it. We are going to wait until 4 months.

-She has had this crazy rash on her arm for months, we found out it is ring worm.... my poor baby girl, it takes forever to go away

-Her hair mostly all lays down now, but is starting to fall out in her crib when she is sleeping

-I am curious to see what happens to her little semi flat head. She does tummy time a LOT and is always sitting up, never laying down during the day -- I think it is flat because she sleeps so long at night

-When she gets her shots at her Well Baby check-ups it breaks my heart, but she is a tough girl. Screams LOUD for only a few min and then is all smiles

-natalie has the biggest and most amazing smile

-she loves to laugh and will actually throw her head back and crack up

-fart sounds make her laugh

-She fights going to sleep at night because she never wants to miss the action

-Natalie has been teething since 2 months and the only thing to really comfort her is to put a towel around your finger and put it in her mouth -- she will much HARD on it

-Also, Hyland's teething tabs are great

-Her favorite song is: "Down by the bay, where the watermelons grow...." if I sing that to her it is the only song that will get her to calm down. We have spent HOURS singing that song to her

-Nata P is the best thing to ever come our way, she brightens my life and makes it complete.

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